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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A a great thrifty storage solution is to make your own DIY storage boxes. Decorative boxes are wonderful accessories in any space, whether displayed on a bookshelf or corralling office supplies and photos. Not only are they functional, they are a perfect way to add extra color and pattern to a room. Decorative boxes can be very expensive, but you can create your own paper storage boxes for a fraction of the cost. Simply save shoe boxes or any other old boxes you come across that are in good shape. You can also buy unfinished decoupage boxes at any craft store for a reasonable price.

DIY Storage Box Instructions

Materials Needed: box, decorative paper, double stick tape, double-fold bias tape, fabric glue, scissors, paper cutter

1. Measure each side of the box and cut your paper to size with a paper cutter.

2. Attach the paper to each side using double stick tape. You can use glue, but the tape works great and is less messy.

The edges will look unfinished because it is difficult to cut the paper perfectly. The double fold bias tape will cover all the edges and give you a clean and finished look. You can find bias tape at any fabric store and there are tons of color choices. Double fold works best for the box edges because it is already creased. It goes on much easier than the single fold.

3. Measure each edge length and cut the bias tape to size.

4. Place a thin coat of fabric glue along the edge of the box and then press the bias tape into place.

These DIY storage boxes are the perfect thrifty storage solution for anyone on a budget. They are very easy to make and can be personalized to fit your own unique style and personality.

You already know that paper bags come from trees. Those that do not have fabric shopping bags and that do not like to use the plastic variety always ask for paper. Not only are these more sturdy in some cases, they are one hundred percent recyclable. If you want to use more paper than plastic in your business, you have made a good choice. You can get promotional bags that have your company name on them, or some other feel good picture or phrase to help your customers remember who you are and what you stand for as a company. You don't have to offer plastic at all if you don't want to.

Brown promotional paper bags are nothing more than your standard paper bag with something printed on them. Most companies use their company name and a logo, and some have other useful tidbits like the physical address of their company or a web address that a customer can visit for shopping, sales information, or other neat things that can help them. Though not everyone looks at their bags very often, most save them to be used over and over again. Your name will pop up every time they dig through their bags.

Choose the right type of paper bag when you decide that you would like to use promotional paper bags. There are some that are quite thin, but should only be used when the products that you have to offer are rather light. If you have a clothing store, for example, these can be just fine. Otherwise, you are going to have to double them. Instead, get high grade thicker paper bags. You can get them as simple brown bags or you can get the white type with handles. What works for you and your image is up to you.

You can obviously get more exposure with white bags that have handles because your company name is going to show up better than it would on brown bags. For some reason, however, people tend to save brown paper bags more often than they save other types. You may have to decide on not only your budget, but also the size of your product. If you have a restaurant and you send home leftovers with your guests, you may have to get promotional bags that are much bigger than your standard brown bag. You have to think about budget, but the bags have to be functional and make sense for your business.

Promotional paper bags are not the answer for all businesses. If you sell the reusable fabric bags, you may not think too hard about your paper bags. However, no matter how many people buy your fabric bags, you are always going to have people that need to have paper bags when they come into your store. If you are going to have bags, you may as well get ones that people feel better about using and ones that allow you to advertise your business all in one shot. This type of advertisement is rather inexpensive but about the best that you can get for such a low price.

Read more about me at: Buying Paper Storage Boxes